Arleen Roots Arleen Roots


We all know the main characters in the Bible: Mary, Joseph, David, Paul, Esther, Ruth.

Some of us cannot imagine ourselves walking the same footsteps of these Bible powerhouses; Could we have the courage of Mary, the obedience of Joseph, the abilities of David, the boldness of Esther, the wisdom of Ruth, the knowledge of Paul? Yet they were all ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Each one of them were inserted into a certain time and space to be available to do what God called them to do. Their names reflected who or what they were to do.

Mary means “wished for child”

Joseph means “to increase; Yahweh will provide”

David means “beloved friend”

Esther means “star”

Ruth means “woman who is a good friend”

Noah means “rest”

Paul means “one who is humble and small”

Over the next few weeks, let’s look in the Bible for people whose impact is recorded, but not by their “name.”

These people are as important as the main characters you are familiar with. The ones that we will look at over the next few weeks were all catalysts that produced results and changed the direction of a story. Let us look at them and see their impact on those around them. I call them, “inserted.”

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