Help Someone Get Their Miracle - Part 2 of The “Inserted” Series

Everyday we can, without realizing it, help someone get their miracle.  We are inserted in people’s lives so that they can move into the next step of their journey. Inserted people are everyday people- like you and I.

In 2 Kings 5:1-12, Naaman, a mighty warrior, commander of King Aram’s army, had leprosy. Naaman was greatly admired by the King because he had provided the king with great victories. (But those mighty victories did not prevent him from contracting leprosy.) 

During one of the king’s raids of Israel, a young girl had been captured and was given to Namaan’s wife as a servant. The young girl (Inserted #1) suggested to her mistress that Naaman should see the prophet Elisha to be cured of his leprosy. The king of Aram sends Naaman him with a letter to take to the king of Israel requesting help for his soldier. Naaman also brings finances and fine apparel.  As the story proceeds Naaman goes to see the prophet Elisha.  He received instructions from the prophet; however it was not personally delivered to him. Instead, the instructions were sent via a messenger (inserted #2). 

This approach was not appreciated by Naaman as he felt that it was not befitting someone of his stature to receive instructions from an “everyday” person. To make matters worse, the instructions was to dip 7 times in the Jordan River. He preferred there be a different water source for his miracle.  

Naaman went off in a huff.

But Naaman’s officers (inserted #3) reasoned with him and said, “Sir If the prophet had told you to do something very difficult wouldn’t you have done it.  So you should certainly obey him when he says simply. Go and wash and be cured.”

Needless to say, Naaman yielded to their advice and obeyed the instructions given via messenger from the prophet Elisha and his skin became as healthy as that of a young child.

In this story, a trio of everyday (inserted) people, unbeknownst to each other, are working together to give a well known man a miracle.

They are:

  1.  the servant girl to Naaman’s wife

  2. The messenger who brought the message from Elisha to Naaman 

  3. the unnamed officers under Naaman.

All were needed to complete the miracle. 

1.If the servant girl hadn’t piped up and said something about the prophet having a word- Naaman would still have leprosy.

2.If the messenger had not delivered the exact message from Elisha- Naaman would still have the leprosy, and 

3.If the unnamed officers hadn’t said something to the disgruntled Naaman, he would have left in a huff without going to the river….. and still had his leprosy.

What was the wonderful result of the actions of these everyday people?  It starts unfolding with the testimony from Naaman’s mouth;

“From now on I will never again offer burnt offerings or sacrifices to any other god except the Lord.” 2 King 5:17b 

Naaman acknowledged the one true God. This revelation put Naaman in a position to be able to tell many of the healing power in a word from God.  Not only could Naaman tell the King about God, who already revered him as a mighty warrior, but he would be in good health and could serve the king in a greater capacity. Naaman’s relationship with his soldiers could also increase in depth because their prompting helped his obedience.  It is even possible that the servant girl received favor since the husband of her mistress was coming back home healed.  

You are part of somebody’s journey.  Ask God why you have been inserted into their life. You never know how far reaching your obedience can be.  Help someone receive their miracle.  


Preserving the Miracle Part 3 of the“Inserted”Series

